Download Queue is a slim, but fully featured, download manager. It supports the HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols; manual and auto-resume for stalled downloads; acceleration using multiple connections per download; a bandwidth monitor; and a full download History. Downloads can be controlled manually or scheduled to run, and optionally stop, automatically at a chosen time every day or just once at a particular time and date.
A data transfer limit, including "free" periods, can now be setup in the preferences. To keep you on top of your data the Bandwidth inspector displays all data received, as well as the average data rate. You can even set Download Queue to stop all activity when your data limit is reached.
It's also easy to manage your downloads which can be searched, sorted and filtered using various criteria. And then once you've downloaded a file it can be opened with a double-click or moved anywhere just by dragging and dropping onto a folder in the Finder, all from the Download Queue window.